您现在的位置: 米兰分行 > 监管政策 > 隐私法 > Cookies

What is a Cookie?
Cookies are small text strings used to perform computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of specific information about users accessing the server and are usually present in each user's browser.

Some operations would not be possible without the use of cookies, which in some cases are technically necessary: for example, access to internet banking and activities that can be carried out on your online banking account (display of your account statement, transfers, etc.) would be much more complex and less secure without the presence of cookies that allow to identify you and keep your identification within the session.

The law states that "technical" cookies can be used even in absence of consent; these include:
  -Cookies implanted in the user/contractor terminal directly by the owner of the single website, if they are not used for other purposes: this is the case of session cookies, authentication cookies, customization cookies (for example, for the choice of the navigation language), etc.
  -Cookies used to statistically analyze accesses/visits to the site (so-called "analytics" cookies) which pursue exclusively statistical purposes and collect information in aggregate form.

Differently “profiling cookies”, aimed to create user profiles, are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during the web navigation. Due to the particular invasiveness that such cookies may have in the private sphere of users, the European and Italian legislation require that the user must be adequately informed to express a valid consent about their use.

A further element to consider concerns third parties cookies. This type of cookies integrates features developed by third parties within the pages of the site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share site content or to use third parties software services (such as software to generate maps and additional software that offer additional services). These cookies are sent from third parties domains and from partner sites that offer their functionality between the pages of the site.

Cookies on this Web Site
ICBC (Europe) S.A. Milan Branch (hereinafter “Bank”) does not use profiling cookies but only technical ones for the purpose of the proper functioning of the pages of this site, i.e. for:
-Identify user’s device when log in to his sites. In this way it is possible to provide information on products, allow the display of personalized content and make available other functions and services.
-Analyze the navigation in order to make it easier to access the Bank's services.
-Conduct aggregate research and analysis to improve the Bank's content, products and services.
-Improve security.

The Bank uses cookies to improve the user’s navigation experience. Those technologies do not allow in any case the storage of data, access credentials or others information on the device, keeping untouched the web sites security level.

The features of the cookies used on the Site are illustrated in the table below.

“Technical" cookies Web navigation First part Not applicable Not applicable

How to disable cookies
The use of "technical" cookies by the Bank can be avoided through the settings of their browser. Although the "Help" function of most browsers indicates how to configure it so that it signals when a new cookie is received on the device, refuse new cookies, or disables them altogether, to facilitate users, the links to the instructions on how to disable cookies through the configuration of different browsers are shown below.

Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie
Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html
Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT

After this operation, however, some functions of the web pages may not be performed correctly.

Communication of the data
Bank’s employees and collaborators may process the data collected using cookies in their quality of authorized persons. In addition, the processing may be carried out by companies trusted by the Bank as data processors, pursuant to Article 28 of European Regulation 2016/679.

An updated list of third parties who are identified as "Processors" is available, by request, sending a communication to the address below or an email to: banking@it.icbc.com.cn

Personal data will not be disclosed in any way.

Rights of the Data Subject
In relation to the processing of Data, you are entitled to exercise the rights provided for in Articles 15 to 22 of the 2016/679 European Regulation, (reproduced in abbreviated form in Annex A to this statement).
At any time you can exercise the aforementioned rights sending an email to: banking@it.icbc.com.cn

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer
The Data Controller is ICBC (Europe) S.A. Milan Branch, Via Tommaso Grossi 2, 20121, Milano and can be contacted at the following address: banking@it.icbc.com.cn.

The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (also, “DPO”), at any time you can contact the DPO at the following email address: DPO@it.icbc.com.cn.


Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council
- Articles 15 to 22 -

According to articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, the Data Subject has the right to access to a copy of the information comprised in their personal data, object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress, object to decisions being taken by automated means, obtain the limitation of the process(in certain circumstances), have (in certain circumstances) his personal data rectified, integrated, blocked, erased or destroyed, obtain the portability of his personal data and the right to propose a claim to the Privacy Authority.